The Sonman

The Sonman

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Are we setting fires?

One of the major signs that someone needs to be revived is a lack of concern for the lost. In David’s psalm of repentance, Psalm 51:10-13, he says,

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.

When David says, Renew a steadfast spirit in me…Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, he is saying, “God, revive me, restore me, renew me.” One of the fruits we find in a heart that has been revived is a desire to see others converted. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall be converted to You.

When a person’s spiritual life wanes, there is very little thought and very little action aimed at reaching the lost. Yet, someone who has been revived and is spiritually healthy will be actively engaged in the evangelization of the lost.

Read carefully these words from Elton Trueblood, a Quaker scholar. He said, “Evangelism occurs when Christians are so ignited by their contact with Christ that they in turn set other fires. It is easy to determine when something is aflame. It ignites other material. Any fire that does not spread will eventually go out.”

When you are spiritually revived, you will think about the spiritual state of the people that you rub shoulders with every day. It is inevitable that when your heart is revived and close to God, you will have a concern for the lost.

Monday, April 4, 2011

God has a plan for you!

One of the great truths revealed in Scripture is that the end is determined from the beginning. What I mean by that is God sees the end from the beginning. He already has a plan for you. He has already got the whole thing worked out.

Consider what God told Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:5,

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."

Before Jeremiah was ever born, God had his destiny, a plan for his life, all worked out. That truth applies to you and me, and that helps me rest at night. It is great to know I do not have to figure this whole thing out. Sometimes we see through a glass darkly. But you know what? God sees everything perfectly.

This same truth is echoed in Ephesians 1:4,

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love.

Did you know you were chosen before God laid the foundation for this world? That was a long time ago. God knew you before you ever existed. He knew you before the world was here. You were chosen in Him. You were not an accident. God knew you.

Again, this truth is affirmed in Ephesians 2:10,

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

The beforehand is before the foundation of the world. Just like God knew you, He prepared specific good works for you that you should walk in them long before you ever came into existence.

He has your life mapped out. What a great comfort!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So what does it really look like?

We have been asking ourselves, "What is church suppose to look like?" We have seen this trend of our young teens walking away from Jesus and the church and it is truly disturbing. What or where have we gone wrong? I think it has a lot to do with the foundation of their faith! We have allowed those to teach our children and to have a huge influence into their foundational building that the first time they are challenged they cave and fold up everything we thought they believed in. It looks like the concrete mix was not mixed properly and it is coming apart "Literally".. Why is this? "Church" the gathering of the family needs to take a hard look at what we have done in the past and what it should translate into today's view... Relevant Christianity is the key in my humble opinion. We need to quit playing games and taking this Bible and what it teaches more seriously. We need to invest. Thats worth saying again, "WE NEED TO INVEST."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

School is in...

Wow Summer has flown by! I always thought Summer went by very slow as a kid but now-a-days it is like a blink of an eye...Crazy. Two Seniors, one Freshman and one 8th grader. Momma is going to be busy fore-sure. Keep us in your prayers, we will be busy with church stuff also, lot's to do

Friday, June 25, 2010

God's grace

I am not very good at all this putting my thoughts down but I hope to be more consistent from now on.
God's grace is completely amazing to me. In big and small ways He shows us His love for us and His desire to fellowship with us! Thank you Lord.
Cindy has pasted her drivers test WOW and the kids are simply growing up around Lisa and I. God has blessed us with four wonderful, thoughtful, caring and loving children...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

God's Word

I find myself pondering the depths of God. He has brought me through yet another journey that has left me in awe of His love and mercy. God has asked me to feed on His word. I have completed the New Testiment Books and now I am head long into the first 5 books. What a journey! I love the insites He is revealing to me. More to come I am sure

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 27th

November 27th 2009 marks the first anniversary of my fathers passing. Over the past year God has made Himself so very known to me and my family. We have celebrated births and even some on the way. We have had changes with careers and even now I am in a temporary promotion that only happened because God has His hands on it! I see my father in me more and more and where when I was 20 I might have thought that to be the worst thing possible. I see it as a blessing and honor. My father taught me so many thing that I am just now seeing them rise in my life! Godly prince ables and truths that I hope I will instill into my children. I just returned from the Mountain Top with my oldest son Glen, III. God has been so merciful and patient with me I can hardly put words to it. My desire is to keep the fire of my faith blazing like a forest fire and to do that I must begin to read His word not only for myself but also for my family! Lord thank you... Draw me near and give me your wisdom and understanding. Keep me in the middle of your will. AMEN